‘Twas two days before Christmas, and yours truly had yet to finish her Christmas shopping or wrap a single gift. BUT — I’ve still got time to put together a little Mixtape post with some things worth sharing.
Here’s what I’ve got planned for the upcoming holiday week:
- Wrap presents, with my preferred brown paper and string, like these.
- Make these on Christmas morning.
- Make this for our family’s potluck Christmas dinner (always a hit and super easy, but special).
- Paint my nails.
- Watch Christmas movies — we already watched Die Hard, which Jordan swears is a Christmas movie (can we talk about Carl Winslow as the hero cop?!). I’m thinking more along the lines of The Preacher’s Wife and Home Alone.
- Gift myself with this book of inspiration.
- Answer three questions for 2017: 1) What do I want to stop doing? 2) What do I want to keep doing? 3) What do I want to start doing?
- Keep Jameson in these pajamas
for as much time as possible. Suitable for going out, no?
- Ugly cry as I think about the significance of Christmas.
What are your plans for the holidays?
Whether grand or simple, here’s to plans that bring joy and peace.
Merry Christmas!
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