Happy Friday, friends! This week was a busy one, and it flew by! I’m looking forward to the weekend, which will include taking Jameson to an Easter egg hunt and me likely doing lots of running after him.
I’m capping off the week with a little round up of things that made the last seven days memorable. Kind of like that classic mixtape you’d make in middle school for a friend, I’m putting my favorites together and passing them on.
In typical fashion, one of this week’s highlights is all about food, because, well, #greedy. On Monday night, I had my first experience with Korean barbeque, and now my life is kind of brand new. Our friends took us to Kang Ho Dong Baekjeong in Koreatown, and given that our friends are Korean, we just let them order everything and show us how to do Korean barbeque properly. If you’re interested, this article is pretty spot on in terms of what we ate and the order we ate it in (the order matters!). The food was great and the company was even better. These folks right here make life rich.
Have you caught wind of the whole S-Town buzz? Jordan raced through it without me (#marriagefoul), and I’ve got two episodes left. If podcasts are your thing and you liked Serial, you should give S-Town a listen (be warned that there’s a lot of profanity, if that bothers you).
I’ve had to fight to not wear this sweater everyday since buying it two weeks ago.
This beautiful essay about motherhood and a chair is just too good not to share.
I’m not in the business of accumulating a lot of things, but the new home stuff at Target is pretty sweet. One of you probably needs some home stuff, so please go buy something for me. Or just admire it for the beauty that it is. :-)
And finally, a few somewhat related words that moved me this week:
“There are two ways to get enough: one is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less.” – GK Chesterton
Have a great weekend!
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