A letter to my two-year-old son…
My dearest son – Two years ago, you made your entrance into this world and our lives. Two years ago when they placed you on my chest, everyone in the delivery room remarked on how incredibly alert you were — ready to take in everything around you. And you looked up at me with eyes that seemed to say, “I’m.with.you.” And since you’ve been with us, it’s been nothing short of a marvel to watch you grow.
To watch you become this little person with a big personality. Your strong sense of humor. Your never-ending curiosity. Your singing way too loud. Your testing of limits. Your caution while climbing. Your inclination for dramatics. Your frequent imitating. Your love for your family. Since you came along, we’ve been challenged in ways we couldn’t imagine. We’ve found amusement in the smallest and most mundane things done by you. We’ve wrestled fear when it comes to your safety and well-being. We’ve felt awe as you’ve demonstrated your capacity to learn. We’ve felt pain when you’ve been hurting. We’ve been pushed to extend and receive more grace. We’ve been humbled by the blessing you are.
You, my son, are joy and love personified — in a perfectly imperfect way.
Happy 2nd birthday, Jameson. I’m so glad that you’re.with.us.
P.S. For your FYI and my memory’s sake, the excitement Jameson has looking through the railing is due to him trying to make friends with a little girl that was playing in the yard below us. Lots of “hi, hi, hi” on repeat.
1 Comment
May 5, 2017 at 9:55 amWhat a beautiful love letter to a precious child – you and Jordan are awesome parents!