If you don’t have kids and you’ve always wondered why parents of small children insist on describing their child’s age by months instead of years, listen, I get it. I, too, wondered what all the fuss was about when it came to saying “14-months-old,” instead of plain, simple, old “one.”
But then I had a kid, and it quickly became apparent that they change and grow so fast, that each month in the first two years really is a significant marker. And that’s why I try to capture things about Jameson here — as things are moving quickly and constantly changing, I want to remember the random moments that make up this stage of life.
His exploration of the world around him.His determination to get what he wants.
His obsession with Sesame Street (that’s Cookie Monster in that little car of his). He hums “Sunny Days” and a mash up of other songs from the show whenever he wants us to put it on.
His curiosity that — to my horror — makes him want to pick up random things from city streets every few steps we take.
His new routine of telling us to put him in his crib at night. Like, “I’ve had enough with you all. I’d like to retire now.”
His seven teeth that are coming in.
His constant search for the exit. This guy is a serious flight risk.
His understanding of everything we’re saying to him and his choice not to listen to us.
His love to laugh and be tickled.
His excitement over the alphabet.
His decision to finally start using the word, “Mommy.”
1 Comment
Ma Rice
November 13, 2016 at 1:40 amLove the photos, love the text; you captured 18 month old Jameson perfectly!