Around NYC

Fall is for Picking Pumpkins

October 11, 2016

As much as I love summer, there’s nothing like having the fall arrive and making time to get out of the city to find a farm where apples and good food and pumpkins abound. 

storiedstyleddemarest-24The last time Jordan and I made one of these trips, we headed to Warwick, NY, which has a lot of great options for apple picking, hayrides, pumpkin patches, and the like. (We went to Pennings Orchard, which I highly recommend. I’ve also heard great things about Masker’s.) That was two years ago, as I’d just found out I was pregnant. So fast forward to a few days ago, and we decide to head to Demarest Farms in Hillsdale, NJ — excited to now have Jameson in tow.

We knew apple picking at Demarest Farms was closed for the season, but it’s only a 35 minute drive from where we live in Harlem, and we figured the shorter drive (Warwick is 70 minutes away) would make for a much more pleasant day for Jameson.

We arrived and headed straight into the country store to pick up fresh apple cider, apple butter, and apple cider donuts. Mmmmm.storiedstyleddemareststoriedstyleddemarest-28storiedstyleddemarest-3storiedstyleddemarest-2We also picked up some food to give to the farm animals. Jameson is really into animals and their sounds, so this was a huge hit.

“Hey chickens, what’s up?”storiedstyleddemarest-12I love this photo of these two, looking at this goat with the same expression of doubt. storiedstyleddemarest-6But surprisingly, Jameson was super calm and interested in feeding the goat himself. storiedstyleddemarest-7storiedstyleddemarest-8He spent more time checking out the ducks, chickens and cutest black piglet. And he was clearly amused.storiedstyleddemarest-16storiedstyleddemarest-13storiedstyleddemarest-14Having a rock in each hand is kind of his thing. The rocks might have actually been the most exciting part of this whole outing. Seriously.

“Whatchu say?!”storiedstyleddemarest-4storiedstyleddemarest-5storiedstyleddemarest-9storiedstyleddemarest-11Now, just when you might be thinking this is all so picturesque, let me submit exhibit A — Jameson having a meltdown, likely because of some scuffle over rocks. Be thankful that when you look at this photo, you can’t hear the high-pitched screams that go along with that protesting face. :-)storiedstyleddemarest-17But we pulled it together. We took the rocks — again, one in each hand — over to the pumpkins and picked out one to take home. storiedstyleddemarest-19storiedstyleddemarest-20Check out that remnant tear.storiedstyleddemarest-22I realize this is a lot of photos of Jameson, but I mean, I can’t get enough of this kid. And I love having photos of an outing I hope we can turn into a long-time tradition for our family. storiedstyleddemarest-23storiedstyleddemarest-24Explaining how awesome his rocks are…and talking to the rocks…storiedstyleddemarest-25storiedstyleddemarest-26He’s absolutely contemplating how fun it would be to throw this pumpkin on the ground. Also staring into space so that Mom won’t… suspect… a… thing…storiedstyleddemarest-27Thankfully, our little pumpkin made it home in one piece. It’s adorning our dining table and serving as a great reminder of all the things I love about fall and the joy of enjoying it with the people I love. storiedstyleddemarest-18Now to figure out how to make an apple cider donut at home. Trust, I’m working on it.

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  • Reply
    October 11, 2016 at 1:47 pm

    Omg, that adorable remnant tear!!! Heart melt!

  • Reply
    chelsea jacobs
    October 12, 2016 at 5:41 pm

    Oh my GOSH I cannot get over how cute his little expressions are!

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